
Tuesday, June 30, 2009


.....I'll be baack.

Hi Beautifuls!

Just wanted to let you all know that this week will be free of posts (unless something really exciting and good is discovered or happens) until after the holiday. Right now, I'm adjusting to the "searching for employment" lifestyle, dating/possible relationship(yes, it's been awhile) and looking into other things of interest. In other words, things that I'll be sure to post about (including a Curljunkie product review).

You all be safe and have a fun-filled holiday weekend!

Much Love,

Post Title JUST SO YOU KNOW....

Thursday, June 25, 2009


This is how I choose to remember the man that has left me w/so many memories and wonderful music. "Off the Wall" is my favorite MJ album. "Thriller" being my 2nd fav. I can remember having the "Off the Wall" LP when I was a kid. Loved it then. Still do.

His death on top of Farah Fawcett's (I can remember watching her as one of Charlie's Angel w/my mother) and Ed McMahon really messed me up. So unexpected. So not prepared for it. I pray for his family (their families). I pray for his children and theirs.

May they rest in peace...

Post Title GOODBYE


Hi Gorgeous!

I hope that all is well in your world. =) Mine is good but I must admit that this past Tuesday was an eventful day for me. At least near the end of the work day. I found out that me, along w/some other people, were being laid off. (It’s funny but what I mostly was thinking was how I would be able to really clean my home the way I wanted to. Seriously.)

Beyond the initial shock (and given our economic climate, I used the term shock very loosely) I realized that this is simply a change in my life. I’m not judging it or labeling it beyond that. I see it as God’s way of saying, “You know what. I’m kicking the crutch out from under you b/c you can walk. So walk, woman.”

Honestly, beyond the emotion (I was there for 14 yrs so bonds were made) I see this as an opportunity. An opportunity for any and all possibilities. My focus (after dusting off my resume) is to stay open and in tune to God, the universe and myself so that I can be on the right path.

Curious to see how things turn out…..simply stay tuned. ;)


P.S. And yes, I am cleaning my home the I've been wanting to. Lol.

Post Title CHANGE

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


One of the talents that you will have to develop when you shop is the scrupulous reading of labels. With the information provided on food-labels is either insufficient or misleading, or both. Following are some guidelines that will help you to decide individual purchases:

1.Listing of ingredients. Usually, the shorter the list of ingredients, the better.
 Look for proper food-combining, especially with cereals and desserts. Remember that combining grains with sweets creates alcohol and that combining proteins with starches creates indigestion and bloating.

 Find items that are free of the following known :health=bandits”: Meat, fish, chicken, wheat, dairy, eggs, refined sugar (any ingredient ending in “ose”) salt, vinegar, yeast, heated oils, and preservatives.

 Eliminate or limit the use of products that contain refined sugar-substitutes such as barley malt, brown-rice syrup, date-sugar, honey, and Succanat (“raw sugar”). Replace sugar with stevia.

 Tofu and most other soybean products are difficult to digest; therefore, use them sparingly.

 Added vitamins and minerals that are listed separately are of questionable value at best. They are currently under investigation as possible agents of disease and immune dysfunction. Avoid them whenever possible.

2. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Comparison-shopping is imperative vis-à-vis three foods components. Most products offer a profile of these three elements, and new labeling-regulations will eventually make such listings mandatory in the near future.
Here are our suggestions for a 1 –oz (28 grams) servings:
 a) Fat and protein should be less than 3 grams (10%) – the lower, the better.

 The carbohydrates – number should be at least five times greater than both the fat and protein numbers. For example, if the label indicates that there are 2 grams of fat and 3 grams of protein in a single serving, you want to see at least 15 grams of carbohydrates.

 If the labels give the percentages of saturated fat, look for the lowest numbers. Saturated fat has been identified as a factor in coronary disease and some cancers.

3. Method of preparation. Try to determine how the food was prepared, which is sometimes difficult to do, given the limited information available on labels. However, the situation is improving, because consumers are demanding more – and more complete – information on labels.
 Best: Sprouting, dehydrating, freeze-drying, steaming, and freezing.

 Questionable: Baking and boiling

 Most dangerous: microwaving, frying and broiling
** article from**

You can also check out Luvbenet’s Coily World post here. It's a great informative post on additives & preservatives in your food!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Found this article on and the first thing that came to my mind upon reading the title was “WTF?!” Therefore, I could not resist sharing this info. with all of you lovely people.

For your reading pleasure…..

Bull Semen: The Latest Hair Miracle

Move over, argan oil and shea butter. Stylists are all abuzz about the latest miracle hair treatment: bull semen.
After reading about sperm-based facials, one British stylist began chatting away with her clients. “When a client asked where she could get a sperm-based hair treatment done to feed her protein deprived locks … I was speechless,” the stylist said on
She did some research and came across a “Aberdeen Organic Bull Semen Treatment.” Hari’s, a salon in London, is offering clients a conditioning treatment made out of bull’s semen. Hari’s has been one of London’s top salons for over 30 years and prides itself on offering some of London’s most exciting new treatments sourced from around the world.
It has become the most talked about treatment in London. Touted as “Viagra for Hair,” this 45-minute treatment ranges from £55 to £85 ($90-$138 U.S.) and uses semen from Aberdeen Angus bulls. Hari’s combines the sperm with the root of the protein-rich plant Katera. The protein-enriched potion is massaged into the client’s hair after it has been shampooed. Then the client is put under heat so the treatment penetrates the hair. The final step is the blow out, which gives the hair an awful lot of body, as well as shine.

Wanna read more on this then click here.



Hi Gorgeous!

Wow! Let me go ahead and tell you I do have summer-fever. This condition is similar to spring fever so posting will probably get a little thin here and there during these months. Momma’s gotta get out, participate in and enjoy this summertime in hotlanta!

Funny thing…. I had intended to post about this a few weeks ago. In particular, a friend of mine was struggling w/handling her two textures. You see, she was going "au natural" but wasn’t ready to do a BC (Big Chop). So she had like a million questions for me about the process. But here’s the thing. I didn’t feel that I could speak on it much because as you can see….

I bc’d or did a “big chop” meaning cutting all the relaxer or chemicals off of your hair . Usually leaving a wonderful small fro behind or an extensively shorter amount of hair behind.

Needless to say, my friend got frustrated with the two opposing textures and went ahead w/the BC. Go Nita the Diva!!!

Anyhoo, for those who are still in the process here are some great links to get some very helpful information on transitioning. If anyone else knows of any others or has great info on it please leave it in the comment. ChocolateOrchid is all about us helping each other out.


Curlynikki post
KinkyRhonnie's post
TreasuredLocks article
My Natural Hair Care Guide article
Tytecurl post
KinkyCurlyCool Chick's post

Just a few articles/posts on transitioning to get you on a good path. There is so much information on the web. I encourage anyone curious or needing help to simply reach out. Believe me there are plenty of diva’s who’ve been through the process or are still in it and would be more than happy to help, share their experience or give much needed encouragement.

Peace and blessings, Beautifuls!


Monday, June 22, 2009


Happy Monday, Beautiful!

Patient Yugeli Castellanos poses outside in a limousine during the " Night Under the Stars" prom at the New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital on June 6, 2009 in New York City. As the prom season kicked off across America, approximately forty teenagers suffering from chronic and life-threatening illnesses, walked the red carpet as part of their own prom night held at the hospital. The event was organized by a group of fifteen patients in an effort to make the hospital a better place. Professional hairstylists, make-up artists, manicurists and a limousine were on hand to give the patients a memorable night.

I found this article on I thought how wonderful it is to be pampered and to get a makeover. And then to get all dressed up and go out for a night on the town. I'm not sick and I know how great that would make me feel. It really does feel good deep down. I'm sure many of the patients spirits were lifted. There's something about feeling good mentally/emotionally that, I feel, does something good for you physically. Makes me wonder how much this affected their physical illness.


Friday, June 19, 2009


This is where my mind is.
Get the picture.
Translation: absolutely no focus

Enjoy your weekend!
See you all on Monday!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Deep within us lays the colon (also known as the large intestine) that is responsible for the final stages of the digestive process. The colon's function is threefold: to absorb the remaining water and electrolytes from indigestible food matter; to accept and store food remains that were not digested in the small intestine; and to eliminate solid waste (feces) from the body.

The colon works to maintain the body's fluid balance. It absorbs certain vitamins, and processes indigestible material (such as fiber), and stores waste before it is eliminated. Within the colon, the mixture of fiber, small amounts of water, and vitamins, etc., mix with mucus and the bacteria that live in the large intestine, beginning the formation of feces.

As the feces make its way through the colon, the lining absorbs most of the water as well as some of the vitamins and minerals present. Bacteria within the colon feed on the fiber, breaking it down in order to produce nutrients that will nourish the cells that line the colon. This is why fiber is such a vital part of a diet geared toward the colon's long-term health.

The colon absorbs vitamins, salts, nutrients, and water. When these essential, life-giving ingredients are being properly absorbed, we feel good. But when the colon is not working well it begins to absorb toxins into the blood stream rather than expelling them. The result is a myriad of problems ranging from constipation and gas, to candida, diverticulitis, and various other chronic health issues.

This brings me to the topic of this post – COLONICS.

Several years ago, I did a “7 Day Super Cleanse” that would probably be deemed extreme to some folk. But at the time, I felt it necessary to really cleanse myself. It included me juice fasting for 7 days. 6 of those days I received a colonic. I typically scheduled my colonic in the morning just to get it done. At the time, it was not so difficult because I had made up my mind that I would do it. Amongst the organic juices that I drank was an apple juice w/an herbal cleanser and liquid bentonite added to it. I followed that cocktail w/16 oz of distilled water. My other juice was a Power Juice Drink that consisted of carrot, beets and celery juices w/Barley Grass Powder added to it. At the time I had a juicer, so I would prepare my juices at night. Boy if I knew then what I know now, I could have had some wonderful treats from the leftover pulp. Anyhoo, I never felt weak and did continue to work the entire time. I must say, at the end of that Super Cleanse, I felt great and my skin was freakin’ gorgeous! I do feel that I need a good colonic and do plan on getting one or, hopefully, two before the end of summer.

What is a Colonic? Alternate Names: colonic hydrotherapy, colonic irrigation, colon irrigation
A colonic is the infusion of water into the rectum by a colon therapist to cleanse and flush out the colon.

What is a Typical Colonic Like?
After completing a health history form and consulting with the colon hydrotherapist, you are asked to change into a gown and lie face up on a treatment table.
The colon therapist inserts a disposable speculum into the anus. This speculum is connected to a long disposable plastic hose connected to the colon hydrotherapy unit.
Warm, filtered water is slowly released into the colon. When I did my 7 Day Super Cleanse some years ago, (garlic was added to the water to promote healing.) The water causes the muscles of the colon to contract, called peristalsis. Peristalsis "pushes" feces out through the hose to be disposed in a closed waste system.
Neither you nor the colon therapist smells the feces. The therapist usually looks at the feces through the clear hose, and may comment on the color.
This procedure is not painful. You typically feel some discomfort in the abdomen during the therapy.
The colon therapist may massage your abdominal area to facilitate the process. This is my preferred type of colonic.
After the session, the therapist leaves the room so that you may sit on a toilet to pass any residual water and stools. Then you can get dressed.
A typical session lasts 45 minutes to one hour.

Additional Tips
After a colonic, you will more than likely be encouraged to take supplements containing friendly colon bacteria, called probiotics.
In my experience, I have been asked to refrain from eating prior to a session.

Have you ever had or considered a colonic as a part of cleansing your body?...


Monday, June 15, 2009

Good Samaritan Surprises Struggling Family

Happy Monday Beautifuls!

I'd like to welcome my new subscribers and followers. Thanks so much for hopping on board. If you have a question, suggestion or feedback, don't hesitate to email me. If you'd like to comment on a post then by all means please do.

On Monday's here, I like to start the week off on a good/positive vibe. Why?... With all the "doom-n-gloom" news coming forth from big media outlets, it was becoming burdensome for me whenever I turned on the tv or radio. It really was beginning to effect my overall mood and outlook. Out of that ongoing crappy feeling, "Good News Monday" was born. I thought, "Surely I'm not the only one who needs to be fed some good stuff". So on Mondays, I make it a point to share some good news, positive poem, sayings or quotes. If you have any good news to share, please do. You can leave it in the comments or email me and I'll feature it here on ChocolateOrchid on a following Monday.

Having said all that, here goes:
A Canadian family suffering through economic strife received a welcome hand from an anonymous source.
Monica Weiss of Alberta had just left a bank after paying bills when she was approached by a mysterious stranger and handed $1,300, according to a report in The Calgary Sun.
While in the bank, she had told the teller of her family's money struggles after an injury to her husband left him unable to continue working.
"I said there's a chance (my husband) may not ever return to work because he developed a rare condition with his injury," Weiss told the Calgary Sun, adding she also told the bank employee they'd been living in a camper.
"All of a sudden this gentleman walks up to the van and I don't know how far I got the window down, he stuck his hand in," Weiss said.
"He put this huge wad of cash into my hand. All I heard was 'I'm a lucky man and I heard your story and here, take this.' "
The good samaritan told her not to ask his name after giving her the money. She said the man probably overheard story although she didn't notice him in the bank

**This story comes from Good News Now.

Post Title Good Samaritan Surprises Struggling Family

Friday, June 12, 2009


Hi Lovelies,

HAPPY FRIDAY! I hope that this week has been wonderful for you. Positive and productive in every way. I haven’t done a post like this in, it seems like, awhile. Matter of fact, I feel like I’ve been a bit stale with it and so I’ve decided to bring it back. I truly believe that people have to walk their own individual paths in life. My path may not look like yours or the other person’s, even if our destinations are the same or similar. I would not dare judge someone’s walk or base it on my own. As unique as each of us are, I feel that that would be totally absurd. But what I will do is celebrate you, right where you’re at. Every step whether it be small or large. Yes, even the setbacks knowing that they are simply experiences to be learned from.

I don’t believe in “boxing” people under expectations I have for myself or what I may, in my own finite understanding, deem as the right or proper way to go for your goal. Oh, hells no! What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. I’ve learned, however, to embrace & respect the beauty in our diversity and individuality. That’s just where I’m at.

Which is why I can only share my journey & things I’ve learned with you. And hopefully, that will motivate and/or inspire you to step out boldly on your own personal journey.

So by all means… do you and do you vibrantly!
Live life and live it fully!
Love and love completely!

With Love,

Have a wonderful weekend, Beautifuls. =)


Thursday, June 11, 2009


**disclaimer: If you are sensitive, easily offended, have kids around or at work you may want to skip this post due to a photo included.**

I may or may not have mentioned this before, but I am fascinated with tattoos. Yes, I do plan on getting inked. Thirties or not, it’s goin’ down. Lol. And I know I’m in good company b/c I’ve talked about this with a few friends who are around my age and older who want a tatt, also. This has been in the making for awhile but, much like my dance was with going natural, I’ve been a little chicken about it. At this point, I’m beyond that. I’ve even called around for prices. Uhh, those things ain’t cheap, are they?... Anyhoo, when I do go for it (within the next 12 months), I’ll definitely post about it. I’m sure it will be an experience.

The above photo of singer Kelis ( and yes, I miss her big hair) shows a much better view of her back tattoo. This is my inspiration. Mine will be a fraction of this size. Much much much smaller and hidden. I so love this work of art. I would love to know the artist who did this. I used to want a tiger but now I’m leaning more towards the lotus flower.
Note. The Lotus flower basically symbolizes the clarity of heart as well as the mind. In other words the Lotus flower represents strength, good luck, long life as well as honor and respect. Some scholars have even talked of the lotus flower being a universal representation of the spiritual presence in human

Let’s examine the word “tattoo”.
“The word tattoo comes from the Tahitian word tattau, which means “to mark”. Not too long ago in the U.S., tattoos were considered taboo and were frowned upon by the majority of society. They were typically found on bikers, ex-convicts, and what most considered the black sheep of society. Throughout world history, they have been done as rites of passage, marks of status and rank, signs of religious and spiritual devotion, marks of fertility, punishment, as the mark of an outcast, slave and conflict, etc. They have been used to brand Jews in concentration camps during the Holocaust. Sailors from Europe used to have the picture of Christ tattooed on their backs for protection from flogging since it was considered a crime to defile Christ’s image. These days, they are applied more for cosmetic and aesthetic use and to show their affiliation with a certain group (i.e. gangs, fraternities). For others, it’s simply a form of self-expression. “

You can read more info. on the history of tattoos here.

There’s also a very good documentary on tattoos. It’s called “Ancient Ink “and is about 90 minutes long. In this documentary you follow the host as he learns about the various techniques and traditions of the tattoo and testing them on his own body we go all the way from the Maori of New Zealand to Hawaii to the yakuzas of Japan to a high-security penitentiary in Phoenix, Arizona to a sideshow museum in North Carolina. All these different facets of life the tattoo touched on (from the criminal underworld of Yokohama to the native traditions of Hawaii) are reasonably explained and will provide excellent starting threads for anyone wishing to dug deeper in the history of body painting. They show it from time to time on the history channel.

Are you inked? If so, what is the image and what does it mean to you?


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Hi Beautifuls!

You may or may not have heard about wheatgrass shots. Maybe you've even tried them. Basically, it's a shotglass of juiced young Agropyron plants, which are closely related to wheat, but look like a fairly typical lawn grass when in its early stages. It is one of the most alkaline green leafy vegetables known and part of the cereal grass family, which includes barley grass, oat grass and rye grass. You can find wheatgrass shots at smoothies stores, healthfood shops or you could even grow and juice your own. You can drink your shot with a wedge of lemon or orange for taste.

If you're unaware of this healthy indulgence, here are 20 things about Wheatgrass that may motivate you to give it a try.

1. Wheatgrass Juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available.

2. Chlorophyll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other element.

3. Wheatgrass juice is a crude chlorophyll and can be taken orally and as a colon implant without toxic side effects.

4. Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life.

5. Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly-oxygenated environment.

6. Chlorophyll is anti-bacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a healer.

7. Dr. Bernard Jensen says that it only takes minutes to digest wheatgrass juice and uses up very little body energy.

8. Science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of unfriendly bacteria.

9. Chlorophyll (wheatgrass) rebuilds the bloodstream. Studies of various animals have shown chlorophyll to be free of any toxic reaction. The red cell count was returned to normal within 4 to 5 days of the administration of chlorophyll, even in those animals which were known to be extremely anemic or low in red cell count.

10. Farmers in the Midwest who have sterile cows and bulls put them on wheatgrass to restore fertility. (The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones.)

11. Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 102 minerals from the soil.

12. Wheatgrass has what is called the grass-juice factor, which has been shown to keep herbivorous animals alive indefinitely.

13. Dr. Ann Wigmore and institutes based on her teachings has been helping people get well from chronic disorders for 30 years using wheatgrass.

14. Liquid chlorophyll gets into the tissues, refines them and makes them over.

15. Wheatgrass Juice is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables. Dr Earp-Thomas, associate of Ann Wigmore, says that 15 pounds of Wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrot, lettuce, celery, and so forth.

16. Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits from the body.

17. Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body.

18. Chlorophyll helps purify the liver.

19. Chlorophyll improves blood sugar problems.

20. In the American Journal of Surgery (1940), Benjamin Gruskin, M.D. recommends chlorophyll for its antiseptic benefits. The article suggests the following clinical uses for chlorophyll: to clear up foul smelling odors, neutralize Strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner-ear inflammation and infection, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases.
You can find out more about wheatgrass here.

In Atlanta, you can get you a shot of Wheatgrass at some Whole Foods Stores (with juice bars), Arden's Garden, some smoothie shops, and some health food stores.

So go ahead and take it straight to the head. ;)


Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The wonderful folks at have put together an Summer Rx kit for hair. Here's the 411 on it.

Healthy, moisturized hair at the beginning of the summer is the best way to combat the dreaded frizz. To help you, has developed a First Aid Kit for your curls. The five products in the kit are all about rescue and replenishment.

HPO Happy Scalp is a rich blend of oils to sooth your scalp and get rid of product build up.
AG Split End Spa is damage control for the frayed ends, and it also protects hair color from the summer sun.
Curl Junkie Curl Rehab Moisturizing Hair Treatment is the perfect rich, rejuvenating conditioner for the summer.
Jessicurl Weekly Deep Conditioner strengthens and adds serious moisture to your curls, preparing them for the summer.
Arbre de Vie Shea Hot Oil Treatment will reduce breakage and leave your curls shiny and healthy.

The First Aid Kit is a great smart way to get your curls ready and healthy for the summer. Now that you have gotten your new summer season hair routine organized, you can breath a sigh of relief.

You can purchase it here. It retails for $68.65 or...

Enter their First Aid Kit Contest
CurlySuzy has created a dreamy First Aid Kit, and they now have a contest to go with it! Tell them what has been your personal concoction for refreshing your parched summer curls? The four most creative answers win their own CurlySuzy’s First Aid Kit!

Tell them about your concoction in a list format
Enter between June 9 and June 16
Enter the contest at YouTube, Twitter, Facebook or CurlTalk

Wish you the best!



Last night, I tried a pre-poo (short for pre-shampoo) treatment on my daughter’s hair. She had gone swimming earlier & did not remember to rinse her hair (or her body for that matter) before leaving the park. So of course, I was a bit concerned. I decided to piece together a pre-poo treatment to counteract any effects of the chlorine from the water.

According to Gennifer Miller of Healthy Textures,
pre-poos help protect our hair from the harsh shampooing process. The majority of the buildup we are trying to remove lies on our scalp, not our hair, especially if you are not using a lot of product. Our hair really only needs the conditioning aspect of the wash cycle. Using an oil or a conditioner can help provide a barrier between the hair and the harsh detergents in the shampoo.

In addition, pre-poos help condition the hair. It seems counter intuitive. Why would we put a product on our hair that we were eventually just going to wash out? Actually, conditioners and oil often work better when applied to dry hair. Think of a sponge. If you place a dry sponge on a spill, it will absorb more than if you place a wet sponge on that same spill. Our hair reacts the same way, absorbing conditioner a lot more effectively when the hair shaft is not swollen with water molecules.

For the treatment, I mixed some honey, olive oil and what was left of a bottle of Hairveda CoCasta Shikakai Oil (which I didn’t like so much on my own hair). I applied it to her hair and then covered it w/a plastic cap. It stayed on her hair for about an hour. Then I washed her hair w/Qhemet’s Soap of Alep. (Which I just noticed is no longer on her website.???) Let me tell you, that child’s hair felt so good. I’ve got to try this on myself! Anyhoo, once I completely washed her hair, I did a deep conditioning treatment w/Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Moisturizing Condish mixed w/some jojoba oil. Put the heat cap on her for another hour. Then rinsed most of the conditioner and topped w/a leave-in, put it in a loose pony and wrapped it up for the night. This morning, we just spritzed it w/distilled water and topped w/some Curls Gel-les'c.

There are a lot of ways to pre-poo. You can apply oils (warmed or not) to your scalp and/or hair, cover with a scarf and sleep with the product on your hair. When you wash it out and condition, you should notice a difference in the softness or moisture level in your hair.

According to Miller, you shouldn’t leave conditioner on your hair for an extended amount of time. “Conditioner, especially moisture based products; tend to leave the hair strand too soft. This will make the hair limp and, as a result, very fragile. Similarly, protein based conditioners can leave the hair too hard and rigid, which will lead to breakage.”

Have you tried any pre-poo treatments? If so, what did you use and how well did it work for you?


Monday, June 8, 2009


Good Morning Gorgeous!

I know the thought of speaking out loud—to yourself, may sound a bit weird but is actually a healthy mental practice. Contrary to that old popular saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”; words can actually do harm. They can build you up or tear you down. They can shape your thoughts, inspire you and can motivate you to change.

According to Carl Simonton, M.D. and Janet Hranicky, Ph.D., the quality of our health is determined to a large degree by the quality of our communication with ourselves. If you eliminate some of the negative words in your vocabulary, you will begin to eliminate some unhealthy beliefs. Changing your unhealthy beliefs is long-term emotional management and leads to long-lasting stress management, increased states of emotional well-being, and optimal health.

I believe speaking daily affirmations is a great way to create and instill a positive outlook on everything in life. Every word that you speak and hear others speak is taken in by your brain. If you constantly barrage yourself w/negative talk then that’s what you’ll believe. And if you believe it, you’re gonna walk in it and give off negative vibes and receptors, drawing the negative to you. But try flipping that to positive affirmations and surrounding yourself w/optimistic people and see how it affects your mood, your viewpoints, your self-esteem and your life. Even the way you carry yourself. And yes, this is definitely something that you have to continue on a daily basis. Speak them so that they become your everyday thoughts.

What is an affirmation? Ruth Fishel the author of the book “Change Almost Anything in 21 Days” defines it as follows: “Affirmations are positive statements we say to ourselves.” According to Fishel, daily affirmations can help you accomplish your goals and dreams. She also believes that it takes 21 days for anything in your life to become a habit.

According to Terry Cole (Psychotherapist/Life Coach/Motivational Speaker), an affirmation is a statement you declare to be true.
Here is her belief on affirmations:
Look at your subconscious mind as an excellent executive assistant in your life, ready to help you achieve the goals you; the boss and your conscious mind have set. An affirmation may be positive or negative in nature. It is how we talk to ourselves.

I am smart
I am fat
I am healthy
I can’t do this
I will do this

The above statements are all affirmations…what are YOU declaring in your life? Once you decide on some positive affirmations, your executive assistant will seek out every opportunity to reinforce them. For example if I affirm,” I have a fat butt”. When I am walking down the street and someone looks at me I will think, “See they are looking at my big fat butt.” This thought will make me feel shame, embarrassment and self-loathing. Conversely, when I affirm, “I have a beautiful healthy strong body that I love” and someone looks at me, I think, “ How nice they are appreciating my beautiful bod” which leaves me feeling empowered.

For affirmations to be effective in your life you must get rid of the negative self talk and replace it with positive self talk. The things that are repeated most in your mind are the ones that stick. If you are trying to stay away from sugar because it is bad for cancer and bad for depression and you find yourself in a bakery and your affirmation has been, “I only eat desserts that are healthy for me”, then you look at the desserts and hear a little voice repeating, “I don’t want those because I only eat desserts that are healthy for me”. Your ever-alert subconscious has latched onto an opportunity to achieve your goal, and enforce your self-instructing affirmation. You can use affirmations in every situation in your life…you have the power to change your mind so do it!

Here are some examples of affirmations that you can say out loud everyday:
• I am exuding self-confidence.
• I am worthy.
• I am courageous.
• I believe in myself.
• I can achieve anything that I truly believe.
• No matter how hard it gets, I am going to make it.
• I can do it.
• The universe is meeting all my needs immediately.
• The universe is supporting me in everything I do.
• I am receiving all the good in my life now.
• All the answers are coming to me as I need them.

How can you create your own personal affirmations that are specific to your life?
Excellent affirmations can be created by asking yourself empowering questions like, "What can I do today to move closer to a life of: abundance, health, contribution, gratitude, love, peace, purpose, etc....." (make it what you resonate with! It has to have meaning for you!)

If you create good affirmations and have a reliable prompt to remind yourself to speak or think them throughout the day, they will become implanted and almost automatic. This can be powerful to help you change your mind. Wouldn't it be nice if your default, "auto-pilot" thoughts were things you purposely planted into your mind? (instead of the things we default to....... due to societal or commercial bombardment)

Standing in front of a mirror while reciting the affirmations is also very powerful because you see yourself giving yourself a command. Remember that the words “I am” are the two most powerful words in the English language.

Use affirmations to replace old thought patterns, like in these examples:
Old Thought / New Affirmation

IT’S GOING TO BE RISKY: / Being myself involves no risks. It is my ultimate truth, and I live it fearlessly.

IT WILL TAKE A LONG TIME: / I have infinite patience when it comes to fulfilling my destiny.

I DON’T DESERVE IT: / I am a Divine creation, a piece of God. Therefore, I cannot be undeserving.

Here are a few more examples of some affirmations:
"I live in abundance."

"I deserve the best and the best is coming to me now."

"Everyday, in every way, I'm getting______________ " (stronger and stronger, clearer and clearer, better and better, etc....)

"What I'm searching for is also searching for me" or "Everything I want wants me" etc.

You can also watch a wonderful video by Philip McCluskey on affirmations here.

What daily affirmations do you say, if any?....


Friday, June 5, 2009


Cocktail ring, that is. =)

Happy Friday, Beautifuls!

I hope that all in your world is well. My week has been pretty busy. Mainly at work b/c of handling month end less one person. Whew!! We’re already at bare-bones w/our workforce so someone taking an extended vacation puts a bit more wear-n-tear on the rest of the department. Left me drained by the end of the day. Not that I’m complaining. It just is. Simply an observation.

Question: My 13 year old daughter would like to start a blog. She’d love to be on Facebook or Myspace. Til now, I have strictly forbidden b/c of my concerns with internet predators. Her aunts think it’s a great idea, as long as I’m supervising. I think I will allow it. I do enjoy her writing.

Just curious: What are your thoughts on age and the internet?...

Marilee's Fox Cocktail Ring! So cute!

Have a wonderful weekend, Lovelies!

Ooh, check it out! I'm the Who's Who? feature on Texture Playground. If you haven't checked out this hair blog then you've gotta go by there. Fleurtzy brings a wealth of information to the blogosphere regarding natural hair care. She is one of the wonderful bloggers who has helped me with my own hair regimen. I remember seeing her comment on the Curltalk 4a forum on Shortly thereafter, she burst onto the scene with her own hair blog. Great site to blogroll!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


My apologies to all. I try to blog Monday thru Friday but sometimes.... I just can't. Right now, I am pooped! Will try to post on Wednesday evening.

On another note, I'd like to welcome all the beautiful new followers and subscribers to this blog. You all keep me going.

Peace, blessings and abundant health,

Post Title I'M POOPED!!


Hi Gorgeous!

I just had to address this issues of tackling knots and tangles. This was not an issue for me until my hair got a little length to it. Then all of a sudden, I’m frustrated because my fingers are getting caught in the matrix of my hair. However, after reading Curlynikki’s post on Detangling..Reloaded and following her method, it is not as big an issue as it had become.
I’m also using Hello Hydration Conditioner. Check out Urbancurlz post on it here. It really is da bizness! At first, I didn’t think it would do anything because it is thick. Boy, has it fooled me. Anyhoo, I just wanted to put my 2 cents on it. It really has helped me. On top of which, it’s cheap and easy to find at any Wally’s, Target and drugstores. I recently purchased a bottle of Herbal Essences Totally Twisted. I’ll definitely let you know how that product performs after trying it.

I also want to mention an oldie but goodie. I say oldie because I used this conditioner when I first went all natural. Then I got caught up trying a bunch of other stuff only to recently come back to this one. My first love, Oyin’s Honey Hemp Conditioner. I had totally forgotten how good this product was to my hair. Not only does it feel good working on my hair, it’s also filled with good stuff like purified water, aloe gel, honey, hemp and some other goodies. Although I’ve never tried it as a deep conditioner, this video is compelling me to give it a try. Check out Jamyla, the mixtress and her hubster, Pierre:

What a fun and informative video.
Yes, I did crack up at 5:42.(Lol)
And I definitely want to try that brush.

Hope this is of some help to all you beautiful people. =)


Monday, June 1, 2009


Hi Beautifuls!

Guess what?.. I'm in ClutchMagonline!! Whoo-hoo! Check it out here.

Shout out to the lovely Laquita Thomas-Banks (our future Oprah) working diligently at Clutch. Thanks for considering me for such an article and thanks to Clutch Magazine for publishing it. I am honored for my blog to be thought of in such a way.


Post Title GUESS WHAT??...


Promise yourself to be strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

Author: Christian D. Larson

Wishing you a Happy Monday and wonderful week!
Peace and blessings,