Hi Lovelies!
Seems like the warmer it gets the more diva's I see rockin' their baldies & low-cuts and it is so givin' me that itch again. I mean, I made it through last summer after watching many bloggers, like
Fleurzty of Texture Playground, bc (bigchop) again. Then recently,
Laquita had to go and do another big chop. Then I see that Youtube's
Tarin916 has also BC'd. Btw, these ladies are working it.
Now please here me on this. I've been feeling another BC coming on for year or so. I made it thru last summer. And I'm trying to make it thru this summer so that I can be aligned with my original plan to do my 2nd big chop in summer of 2012. Why? I dunno. Well, hells-bells on that! If it hits me this summer, then I'll certainly go for it this summer. If not, then I won't. No biggie.
Now don't get me wrong. My hesitation has nothing to do with any fear of it. I loved my first bc.
BC - Aug. '07
I loved the freedom of easy, tangle-free wash-n-go's. And not having to put so much time into my hair while still looking fab. But at that time, I was on a mission to grow it out. To 1. prove that my afro-textured hair can grow and grow long. And 2., just because I wanted to see what it would do and what I could do with it.
Well, 3.5 years down the line, I am beyond satisfied with the length. As a matter of fact, just about over it. And I've done just about everything that I've desired to with it from comb coils to blow-outs, braids-outs, braids, twists & twist-outs, rod sets and so on. That is, everything outside of color it which I so desperately want but cannot do due to so many henna treatments. So yes, that's adds to my desire to BC again. But for the most part, I just wanna do the the damn thing again just cause I want to. Lol.
Another hot coal that's been & being added to my bigchop "itch-fire" is seeing so many fabulous women rocking their baldies & low-cuts so fiercely. For instance, on this past Easter Sunday, I saw many beautiful ladies working their bald heads. I was so tempted to ask one of them if I could take her picture because she was seriously workin' it from her smooth head all the way down to her haute shoes. Then I figured it might not be quite right to ask for a pic since we all were waiting to get into a packed church service that had already started. Lol.
So yes, its a strong possibility that I could go for it this year. As a matter of fact, I plan to "chop" it lower than the first time just because I find low-cuts & baldies hella beautiful.
Have your doubts?... Well check these ladies out.
Miss Tanzania (Flaviana Matata) 2007
model at Lakme Fashion week. Photo by Rafiq Maqbool, AP
For more pics of beautiful baldies, click
Peace out.
Post Title → OH, I'M GETTIN' THAT ITCH AGAIN......