I hope that all is well in your world. I am choosing to have a joyful outlook. Today is my Friday. (Yay me!) Also, my day of fasting. (Yay me, again!)
I know on last week I mentioned me skipping a few days of blogging here and there to work on me. Well, in more detail, I have to put my plan together. As the familiar quote by Alan Lakein goes, "Failing to plan is planning to fail". This really hit me while I was reading Earthmother's post on planning on her wonderful blog, In The Raw. You know how you can be aware of something.. even believe you know it already but it doesn't quite register with you until that right moment. Well, that post was my "right moment". While reading, it was then that I realized that I had to pull it together and actually plan to reach my personal goals for health (& hair). With that being said, I'll be off for Spring Break the next few days. Amidst mother-daughter time & Spring cleaning, I'll also focus on planning.
I'm already armed with a book by Natalia Rose, "Raw Food Life Force Energy", which includes a 21-day plan. It has been said that it takes 21 days to change, to break old habits, learn new ones and set new patterns. I'm willing to put this to the test. I'm already on week 2 of "no soda's". Yay me! I was an infamous diet soda drinker but so far I haven't even craved one. (Keep fingers crossed.) I thank Mista Jaycee over at A Choice of Weapons for his inspiration. Again, many congrats to you, my brotha!
Well Lovelies.... that 'tis all. I hope that the rest of this week will go well for you. If it is already a struggle or challenge. Don't give up! Hang in there! Be encouraged!
Stay in the fight! Keep your head up! And as always, "do you". It may be rough out there but hold onto your hope... your faith...your light.
I am sure that it will be......."Alright".
Ledisi - Alright - Ledisi
Peace and Blessings!
Much Luv,
Post Title → ALRIGHT