
Friday, May 29, 2009


Today's cocktail is shanghai sour by pinkaholic girl(flickr)

Just wanted to wish you beautiful and fabulously fly people a Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend! My plans for weekend seem kind of heavy. I have a graduation celebration to attend. A movie (Terminator Salvation) that I must see. Lest No blows a gasket. Lol. Family to go visit with. And that's just amongst the regular weekend cleaning/routine. I hope to twist up my hair tonight. I've been trying to do that for a week or so, but have been really lazy and settling on a low pony puff.

What are your plans for the weekend?...

Oh, meant to officially greet my new subscribers and followers. I heart you all and look forward to your input and comments. =)


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Where's My Piece??

Hi Beautifuls!

Hope that this week is coming along well for you. Mine is fine. Didn’t do too well on my 100% raw day. Started feeling bad (I’m sure from detoxification) at work & didn’t want to feel that way at work, so I ate some baked Doritos. Today is a new day, so I’ll play it by ear. I think that I will try a weekend eating 100% raw. That way I can go thru detoxification in the privacy of my home.

But onto the topic at hand. Recently, Atlanta city council president & mayoral candidate Lisa Borders had her home broken into – for the third time. Yes, I said the third time – within 9 months. To make matters worse, she was at home sleeping this time when it occurred. See story here. I bring this up because a popular radio show host posed the following question on yesterday. “As a single female, what would you do if someone were to break into your home?”

My personal answer is, “Get my child, gun and hide.” I presently don’t have a gun, but I do want one. As a single mother, I have pondered this for awhile and am settled on owning a handgun. I’ve gone so far as to check out local gun shops w/firing ranges that offer classes. Me and other single co-workers and some friends have even discussed going to Ladies Night at local firing ranges. (Yes, gun stores w/firing ranges do offer a Ladies night.)

Some of you may be wondering why, with a kid in the house, I would want to have a gun in my residence. My short answer is for that very reason. I’m a single woman Which for some reason tends to garner less respect than a woman w/a man. (Refer to post & comments on NuKynk) and I have someone precious (my daughter) at home. And cat. My viewpoint may (or may not) be different with a man in the house. However, I have to function and deal with the present as it is. I can remember a time, not that long ago, when I never would’ve considered this. But my views have changed. I’ve had my home broken into (a few years ago) and my child freaked out (let alone myself) for weeks about it. I honestly would feel more comfortable with one. I can remember mentioning my desire to own a gun to a guy I was seeing once and he was not feeling it. So I pose this question to the ladies and gents reading this post.

For the Ladies:
Are you opposed to owning a gun? Why or why not?

For the Gents:
Are you opposed to your lady/wife owning a gun? Why or why not?

Post Title Where's My Piece??

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Benefits of Taking Algae

“Ewww” is usually the first thought that comes to mind when you hear the word algae. In actuality, it’s not as “eww-worthy” as you may think. I mention algae because I twittered that I was taking e3live and a friend of mine inquired about it, which is basically what it is - algae. Not to mention, I also have chlorophyll. This age old form of life has its health benefits. Initial reports claim that Algae can help fight cancer, AIDS, heart disease, lower cholesterol, boost the immune system, and detoxify the body. And being the health-nut that I am, I have ventured into testing these claims (which, by the way, I believe to be true).

Here's a little info. I found on the web:
These claims are very encouraging and enlightening for something that floats around in the pond. And although there still needs to be more research done to validate those claims, there are supplements available to see if those benefits are a fact. The popular blue-green algae really aren’t algae at all, but bacteria called cyanobacteria. Although, algae doesn’t produce any byproducts that can be toxic to humans, cyanobacteria does, which is why you should be very careful when purchasing and using blue-green algae supplements. Spirulina is the most popular, and the safest, type of blue-green algae available. Many supplement companies grow spirulina in controlled ponds that are regularly screened for toxins. Even those that harvest it from nature make sure it is a pure product. So, you’re asking yourself what are the benefits in taking algae. The benefit is that it is a great source of complete protein because it has all the amino acids and contains a good range of vitamins and minerals. Also, spirulina is a vegetable source of omega-3 fatty acids and is a good source of antioxidants.

When one mentions green algae, they are generally referring to chlorella. Like spirulina, chlorella contains a wide range of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, as well as high levels of chlorophyll. Most people prefer spirulina to chlorella in terms of protein because spirulina is about 50-75 percent protein and chlorella only contains 45 percent protein. However, green alga has other benefits. Chlorella helps build red blood cells and is a good detoxifier eliminating waste from the kidneys and liver. Chlorella also has something else spirulina doesn’t have and that’s a compound called CGF, chlorella growth factor. There are theories that chlorella can protect and repair tissue and slow aging. Red marine algae may help in fighting chronic viruses like the flu or herpes. Another red algae called, Irish Moss, increases the thyroid. Red algae is less popular than the first two and harder to find.

When taking algae start slowly and build up but don’t use all the time. Also, take algae in powder form instead of a pill. The powder lets you control how much you are getting. You can also get your algae from foods such as barley, wheat and alfalfa grasses. Whichever one you use you can't go wrong, algae is a health benefit for all.

snagged from Associated Press

About a month ago, I lucked upon finding a single bottle of e3live at a health food store. I say lucked upon because I don't see it often sold like this. And seeing as, it is normally sold in a set of 5 bottles for over $100, I jumped on buying one bottle for $30ish. I take it in the morning while my stomach is empty. The closest term that comes to mind as far as it's taste is "grass-like". Not terrible, but "grass-like". But don't fret if you're interested in trying it, it also comes in "mint flavor". As far as how I feel or any difference, I can definitely see a boost in the morning after taking it. I've also noticed more regularity (if you know what I mean). Although this could be an effect in me increasing my raw food intake, I still attribute most of this to the e3live and chlorophyll.

Will I repurchase this? Yes.

Lovelies, I am attempting 2 full days of an all-raw diet so wish me the best. It will be very basic but nonetheless all raw/living. I've been inspired by Ingrid's (RawEpicurean) hubby doing a full week of 100% raw foods. I am so sure he ate well that entire week, seeing as he's married to a raw epicurean. =) Another inspiration came from Connie at NakedFoodCafe. I found her story by way of earthmother's twittering. Check it out here.

Post Title Benefits of Taking Algae

Monday, May 25, 2009

Wash-N-Go (another option)

Hi Beautifuls!

I hope that you had a wonderful and safe holiday weekend! I'm technically still on mine until Wednesday. (I took a furlow day for Tuesday.) One more day to hug my pillow just a little bit longer in the morning. =)

From time to time, I peruse the videos in Youtube. This is another invaluable resource for damn near any topic imaginable to man, including natural hair. One person in particular caught my attention with her approach to reviving a wash-n-go beyond the first day. Now normally, I totally re-wet my hair while in the shower. But this is another option that would cut down on drippies and drying time.

Check it out.

Loves her hair!
What do you think about this method? Have you tried this or something similiar?...

Post Title Wash-N-Go (another option)


Hi Beautifuls!

I was so not gonna post today because of the holiday but after surfing my links and the web, I had to share. I was on CrazySexyLife and was totally moved by this great inspiring and insightful post. It is a definite must read, so I'll pass it on here.

Start Your Psychological Spring Cleaning!
AKA change your thoughts…change your life!)

OK people time to clear out the winter dust bunnies and make some head space! Let’s start the spring clean with the question, “What is your racket?” Meaning what is the bullshit story that you tell yourself about yourself, that gets in your way? When I was in my 20’s I used to declare, ”I can’t cook”. Finally my mother said,”Ter, that is so tired…if you can READ you can COOK. Why don’t you just say what you really mean, which is that you don’t WANT to cook? Which is fine.” Um…well yea I guess I never thought of that. I was afraid if I learned how to cook OR type for that matter, someone would expect it of me. I decided not to learn to do either for a long time, until I wanted to, for myself.

De-Cluttering Your Cranium. . Makin’ Room for the Good Stuff!

Step One: Identifying Your Racket.
What are the negative tales you think, say or feel about yourself? What do you tell yourself you CAN NOT do? Think of the ways you may put yourself down in front of others or alone. There are many reasons people do this. Not to threaten others, to say it before someone else can, because your parents taught you to be “humble” (now that is a load of crap for an ENTIRELY separate post) or the fear that feeling or saying good things about yourself makes you conceited etc. Another reason people limit themselves with lies is so they don’t have to do or risk anything. If I say I cannot cook then I don’t have to try and fail, right? It spares me from finding out I am a bad cook but it also robs me of the experience of trying and succeeding or trying and deciding I don’t enjoy cooking, which is totally different than saying I am incapable.

Step Two: Declaring The Limiting Belief a Lie.
Once you realize what your rackets are, take the time to journal about how these false beliefs came into being. Really think back to how the whole sorted thing got started and write about it. Remember how you felt at the time and write a comprehensive narrative about it. Connect the facts with the feelings. Then have one person you trust witness it for you. Read or tell them the story…then burn it. Yep I mean actually light it on fire and release it back into the universe and OUT OF YOUR EXPERIENCE. Please only burn someplace safe and legal. I had two of my adorable life coaching clients burn their racket lists together in a Manhattan apartment and video tape it for my viewing pleasure. It looked like the kitchen was about to go up in flames, so please don’t try THAT at home (although I laughed my head off every time I thought of them for days).

Step Three: Rewrite Your Script.
I have a t-shirt with that inscription that I have worn thin because I LOVE it so much. Here is the deal. It is your life. It is your story. If you don’t like the story line you are currently rocking…CHANGE IT! It is all on you to change your mind about whatever does not work for you. I had a friend who hated her legs and when her then boyfriend, now husband declared she had the best gams in town she feared he was actually making fun of her. As it became apparent that he truly felt this way she decided to go with it and see her legs as luscious instead of a liability. She has not regretted that decision and even wears short skirts now with a sassy attitude. I have no doubt she could have talked him out of it but why would she want to do that? Beauty and truth are very subjective. Why not see things in a way that empowers you? It is just as easy or easier and yields much more positive results.

Note: This is different than being in denial. We always have a choice as to how we will view a situation and I am suggesting viewing your life in a way that empowers you and taking responsibility for your own happiness…because you are the only one who can.

Step Four: Write Affirmations to Support Your New Script
An affirmation is just something you declare to be true. So now your job is to write affirmations about what you are creating. I AM SO HAPPY AND GRATEFUL NOW THAT I (insert affirmation here). Since the universe can only say yes, be specific with the words you choose. Use only positive language in the present tense.

Fear gets kicked up when we change our minds about things. Remember fear is just a FEELING, not a FACT. Now go make room in your mind for all of the life experiences that you are creating for this beautiful new beginning…SPRING! Let the Psychological Spring Clean begin!

As always I am here to help, nudge, clarify, support or challenge, if necessary.
Let me hear from you!


Love Love Love
Your Crazy Sexy Life Coach,

P.S. By the way I am an AWESOME cook now because I want to be !

Wow!! For more great post's like the one above, click on the link for CrazySexyLife to the right under Raw Vegan Sites. You will be blessed and inspired.

Peace and Blessings!


Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
We honor and remember the brave men and women
who have sacrificed for our country, and we wish all
of our curly community a safe and relaxing holiday.
Starting today through Memorial Day, save 15% on
your entire CurlMart purchase* May 22- 25. Type
in the promotion code MEMORIAL15.
*Sale does not include Wen, Kits, Collections, sample packs
or Curly Cocktails.

Post Title

You Get A Cocktail! You Get A Flower! It's Friday, Baby!!

Good Morning Beautiful Ones!

I'm so glad it's Friday! It's the weekend! I'm just happy. This week started off being a bit of a challenge. My brother had to be hospitalized and found out he was diabetic. (Thanks to all those who were aware who prayers & thoughts went out to him/us.) He's still there but we're hoping for his release on today. Are we down about it? Not at all! I'm happy! Happy that my brother is still here. Happy to be alive. Happy to have genuine friends and loved ones. Happy that with each new day comes another grand opportunity to live life to its fullest, embrace & savor every moment, and find the joy, beauty and God in every detail. =)

I also extend warm gratitude and thanks to earthmother (IntheRaw), Rebecca (PurelyDelicious), and Ingrid (RawEpicurean). Thank you so much for your input for Jazmyn's Plea. It really warmed my heart for all of you to take time to send out your assistance. You all are the best!! xoxo

On top of the above stuff, this was my daughter's last week of school. She had finals and projects up through today. Unfortunately, I haven't worked out this week. So you know, it's on and poppin' this weekend! One of my favorite workout tapes (Yes, I do realize I need to update to dvd's. lol.) is by Gilad. I so love his workouts. With him, you can't blink without breakin' a sweat. I also am looking forward to seeing "Terminator Salvation". Anyhoo, amongst this and visiting fam, I will find the time to just chill. Atlanta is supposed to be getting "liquid sunshine" for the next week so I look forward to layin' in on one of my four days off!

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! Be sure to do something for yourself, Beautiful!
And as always, "Do you".

Much Luv,

What's happening with you this weekend?....

Post Title You Get A Cocktail! You Get A Flower! It's Friday, Baby!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Good Morning Beautifuls!

It is truly great to be alive w/another wonderful day before me. What say you?... "Your day isn't so wonderful". Well in that case, I challenge you to change your station to "Another Day, Another Opportunity for All Good Things" station. Remember this. =)

I actually was going to post something else on today, but seeing as it is a more difficult topic for me than I expected I've moved that to next week. However, I can and will discuss a green smoothie I tried this weekend. It's a Red Grapefruit Green Smoothie. Yes, it is a bit tart but I'm sure you could level that with some agave nectar, stevia or other healthy, natural sweetener. I found this on the Green Smoothie Blog (great site for green smoothie ideas). I have a link to them in my blogroll to the right.

Here's the info. on it:

Grapefruit contains vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, iron, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, folate and many B-vitamins. Lycopene is a carotenoid found in the red/pink hues of the grapefruit. Both red and blond grapefruits both positively influenced cholesterol levels, but red grapefruit was more than twice as effective, especially in lowering triglycerides. Another health benefit of grapefruit is that it is a powerful antioxidant. Red grapefruit contains vitamin C, vitamin A and lycopene. These antioxidants are potent scavenger hunters that get rid of free radicals and excessive oxidation that can cause cancers. Lycopene, especially, helps to prevent the occurrence of tumors and cancers in the body. Grapefruit juice significantly increases the production and activity of liver detoxification enzymes responsible for preparing toxic compounds for elimination from the body.

Ruby Red Smoothie Recipe
• 2 ruby red grapefruits
Cut a slice of peel from each end of the grapefruit. Standing the fruit upright, continue to slice the peel away from the flesh without removing too much flesh. Be sure to remove some of the pith which tends to have a bitter taste. Although the white pith inside the fruit may be bitter, it contains health qualities which are anti-viral and anti-inflammatory and compliment the vitamin C found in the fruit and make it even more potent. Place a bowl under the grapefruit as you cut to catch the sweet tasting juice.

• 1 bunch mint
• 2 medjool dates
• 1 handful kale
• Water (optional)
Place in the blender in the order listed. Blend and enjoy!

CAUTIONARY NOTE: Compounds in grapefruit are known to increase circulating levels of several prescription drugs including statins. For this reason, the risk of muscle toxicity associated with statins may increase when grapefruit is consumed. Please refer to your primary care therapist or physician before ingesting grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
he body.

With love, health and happiness,


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jazmyn's Plea

Hi Beautifuls!
A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from a fabulous young lady who is desiring to go raw. (YAY!!BALLOONS & CONFETTI) Her dilemma is that she doesn't know how to go about it on a college student budget. So I wanted to put her questions on the blog in hopes that you wonderful raw foodists out there would give her some helpful advice and tips. Thanks in advance!

Jazmyn here! I prefer Jai.

I have recently been moved and inspired to GO RAW. I come from a middle class african american family, that carries high risk of disease and consumes cooked food. I want to be an example and break the cycle.

I am fully aware of my addiction to cooked food, however, I'm ready to go cold turkey.

My problem: I have motivation. I have no support.

I came across your blog and was so inspired. I don't know what exactly I'd like from you, its just really nice to see that its possible.

Can I do this on a college students budget?
Can I do this in a city like Nashville or New Orleans?

I'm on summer break from college (I'm a junior now pre-med at xula) and I'm just realllllllly interested in cleansing and changing my life.

My father died at 46-cancer
His mom at 52-cancer
His dad at 27- cancer

And suicide is prevalent as well. Depression and a polluted lifestyle is killing my family.

I have to do this. Can you help me?

Thank You for your time!
-J. Lee

Hi Jai!

First, let me congratulate you on your decision to take care of you and to give yourself the healthy attention you need. So many people never value themselves enough to make beneficial changes for their own bodies. You gotta do right by your self. Next, I want to commend you on your choice to go cold turkey. Some people can do that. I honestly, am not one of them. Lol. It's definitely a process for me.

As far as support, I would recommend you visiting and searching "raw foods" or "living foods" on there. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you find. If not, look at online support groups like There are also some groups on facebook (if you're on there). Through them you can connect w/others seeking to do the same as you or already walking in it. Oh, and don't forget to lurk and visit the raw food sites I have posted in my blog rolls. Not only are they helpful, but they can also lead you to some other helpful and informative sites.

Yes, I believe it can be done on a college budget. Btw, congrats on your pre-med status! Work it out, Jai! =) You can find a great article on Julie's Raw Ambition about raw foods and money at JuliesRawAmbition. Remember, organic and in-season is not as costly. If you can, you may want to try growing your own organic herbs and veggies. Some people use small planters that you can place on a windowsill or patio. That can definitely save you some dollars. If you already have a blender, crank it up and make you some smoothies (w/some greens in them, of course). Pop what you don't drink up in the freezer for later in the day or the next.

I can totally relate w/you on family illnesses. Diabetes runs strong in my family. I have no intentions of developing that disease. This is my main motivator. And I'm sorry to hear that cancer, depression, & suicide run prevalent in your fam. I recently met a young woman at the last raw foods meetup I attended. In her introduction of herself, she talked about how she suffered from depression before going raw. She read and followed the 21-day program in Natalia Rose's book "Raw Food Life Force Energy". She lost weight and regained her joy. No more depression or mood swings for her. Just thought I'd mention that.

Jai, I really hope this is of some help to you. If you don't mind, I'd like to post it on my blog on this Wednesday and get some raw foodists I respect/admire to offer their advice. Let me know if this is okay with you. And if it is, whether or not you're okay with your name being mentioned. I can leave it out. It's no problem either way.

Take Care.
Peace and blessings,

I am opening this letter up to the blogosphere for any raw/living foodists to answer Jai’s question. I’m sure there are some great answers, tips and points out there that could benefit this young, aspiring healthnut diva.

Post Title Jazmyn's Plea

Top Ten Healthy Foods For Your Hair

By now, I think most of us know (or at least have heard) that healthy hair starts from within. By “within”, I’m referring to what you digest or intake for food. Certain foods (and herbs) are known to aid in hair health and growth. Here are some foods that do so according to Jane Carter (Jane Carter Solution).

1. Seaweed (Don’t be scurred. Lol)
2. Citrus Fruits like oranges and grapefruits
3. Blueberries
4. Sardines and Salmon
5. Lentils
6. Eggs
7. Wheat bran and Wheat germ
8. Watercress, Spinach, Kale
9. Brown Rice
10. Cantaloupe

Vitamins C and Vitamins E are essential to good hair too!

When hair begins to start thinning and losing sheen as we age, it’s essential that you look at your diet. Make sure you eat foods that are antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory foods like berries - blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. Beans like red kidney beans and pinto beans are excellent for hair growth and are anti-oxidant rich.

Maybe you know of some foods that could be on this list. Or some that you feel shouldn't. Do share…

Post Title Top Ten Healthy Foods For Your Hair

Monday, May 18, 2009

Good News Monday

by: Charles Swindoll

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.

And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.

Happy Monday, Beautifuls!

I stumbled upon this quote in one of our office kitchens last week. When I read it, I thought, "Wow. How true this is." And then reflected on my own attitude as of late, and recognized some adjustments I needed to make with it. What about you?...

What attitude have you started this day/week in. I know that at times it can be some work to have a positive outlook. But I do believe that our attitude/viewpoint/perspective has a direct effect on our daily living and even our health.

Peace and blessings,

Post Title Good News Monday

Friday, May 15, 2009


Happy Friday Beautiful Ones!

Did you wake up and tell yourself, "I love you. I respect you. I value you". How about a hug or a well wish?.. When you opened your eyes, did you consider all the things that have gone right and are going right in your life? Did you reflect on all the wonderful things in your world?...

I ask you these things because it is way too easy to focus on what you don't like, what you wish had gone or would go a different way, what you regret doing or not having done, who you wish would act the way you feel they should act as opposed to focusing on the universe before you and what you can fashion it into. You can either tune yourself into the "Perpetual Victim" station or you can align yourself up with the "I Am Active in Making My World Positive and Healthy" station.

Which station are you choosing to vibe with?.... I guarantee you, the latter station will make your world more joyful and peaceful.

Anyhoo, I just had to meet up with you Lovelies because I miss blogging when I'm away. I'm addicted. Lol. I'm happy it's Friday but I'm really looking forward to next week. I have some posts in mind for next week (one of which was inspired by other bloggers) that I'm excited about. As far as the weekend is concerned, I hope that I will be able to get to my Hatha yoga class. I've really been missing it. I'm also gonna try out a couple of green smoothie recipes that I will review sometime next week. And definitely making it to see "Star Trek" this weekend.

What about you with your beautiful self?....

Peace and blessings, Beautifuls!
And as always, don't forget to "do you"?
ChocolateOrchid ;)


Thursday, May 14, 2009

This Is A Public Service Announcement!

Hi Beautifuls!

I hope your week is going well. I just had to pop in w/a PSA regarding the CW's show, "The Game". I personally love this show. It's funny and has excellent writing. Unfortunately, as a "black" or "minority" show, it tends to get the "red-headed stepchild" treatment. I don't want to see it wind up with the same fate as "Girlfriends" or "Half and Half", two of which were some great shows w/equally great writing and comedic timing. So I've included some tweets from twitter/

Please RT Watch the hour long season finale of The Game this Friday May 15th 8/7c on The CW Network.

I'm gonna be 100% honest with y'all If we don't watch and support the show this Friday in its hour long format.

Then this Friday will be the last new episode of The Game EVER and will become the series finale instead of the season finale.

The CW will be monitoring the finale 2 see how the audience responds. This episode & the ratings will play a big part if the show comes back

The CW decides the fate of The Game May 21st. We need to let them know we're not going down without a fight. Next week is Save The Game week.

Check out this preview for the hour long season finale of The Game this Friday May 18th on The CW

Post Title This Is A Public Service Announcement!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Will Return Soon

Hi Beautifuls!

Please pardon my absence but my young chica has many end of the year school events and projects. I'll meet you lovelies for Cocktails and Flowers on Friday.

Peace and Blessings,

Post Title Will Return Soon

Monday, May 11, 2009

What Would You Do With $200?...

When her envelope full of cash was lost after a busy day, Kathy Cannon thought she’d never see it again. But an employee of a local carwash found and returned her money. Kathy had misplaced her bank envelope of $200 and had looked everywhere for it. After her searching came up empty, she wrote it off as a loss. She eventually took her car to Carnett’s Carwash for detailing and a young father by the name of Jesus Garcia found the envelope within the crevices of her car seat and returned it to her. So Kathy had to share her good news with the local station, 11Alive. And she said, “We just hear so much bad. So much bad. And I just believe that there’s more good than bad.”
This is so awesome to me. It just warmed my heart to hear this story. We all know that Jesus could’ve easily claimed that money as his own. Especially under these economic conditions but he didn’t. So that that was lost (by Kathy), was found and returned (by Jesus). So despite what you may hear on a daily basis, good things are still happening. Good people with good hearts do exist.

Happy Monday!

Post Title What Would You Do With $200?...

Sunday, May 10, 2009


To all of you beautiful mom's and moms-to-be.
Wishing you a wonderful and Happy Mother's Day!!

Peace and Blessings,


Friday, May 8, 2009



Just wanted to drop in and wish everyone a wonderful weekend and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mothers and mothers-to-be!

I'll be very busy this weekend w/incoming family, my daughter's band banquet on Saturday, and of course cooking for Mom on Sunday.

What's on the agenda for you this weekend?....
Peace and blessings,


Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Raw Foods Journey.....the saga continues

Hi Beautiful!

As you may or may not be aware of, I am on a journey to eating a 70 to 75% raw vegan diet for best health. A raw vegan diet consists of unprocessed, uncooked, organic vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius). “Raw foodists” believe that foods cooked above this temperature have lost a significant amount of their nutritional value and are harmful to the body. Many people clarify that they eat a “high raw” or a certain percentage raw, such as “75% raw”. I have no problem admitting to you that I’m not there yet. This is definitely a working process. But one that I am committed to following til I get to my goal.

I recently picked up a book by Natalia Rose called, “Raw Food Life Force Energy”. I had heard about this book and her 21 day program from a couple of people who give the book and her high praises. In the book, Natalia discusses “food combining”, which I’ve heard a lot about. Not only in the raw foods community. Not only does she advocate food combining but she also believes in the practice of eating “light to heavy”. Meaning “eating the lightest possible foods in the morning, and gradually increasing the density of the foods we eat, so that the heaviest meal is dinner.” The reasoning behind this is the “heavy foods in the daylight hours steal our energy and inhibit elimination”. Following this will ideally give you a lot more energy and better eliminations (no. 2’s). I am testing this out and have been for about a week. So far (as long as I stick to it) it’s been great. I want to give it a month before I post my reflections/conclusions on this practice.

Now, back to food combining…Natalia refers to food combining under the “Quick-Exit” Principle. Here’s an excerpt from her book:

“The Quick-Exit Principle tells us that the most health-generating foods and combinations of foods are those that enter the body, give the body what it needs, and then get the bloomin’ heck out of there! Hydrating fruits and veggies do exactly this, which makes them the quickest exit foods around…….What is the reasoning behind the Quick-Exit Principle? Whenever you eat a food or combination of foods that is difficult to digest, you paralyze the flow of Life Force Energy because “slow-exit” foods and meals use up the vital energy and enzymes that are working hard to break these substances down. This all amounts to a loss of energy that could have been put to many more supportive, anti-aging tasks within the body. If you eat a slow-exit meal once in a while, it’s not a big deal b/c the body can afford the occasional energy leach as long as the meals do not pile up. But if you eat a heavy, slow-exit meal several times a day or week, the constant drain on the body’s Life Force Energy, the expenditure of precious enzymes, and the pileup of waste multiplies, overtaxing and disfiguring the body.”

“While the quickest-exit foods are also the highest-Life Force Energy foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables, you are not expected to live on these foods exclusively-that would be too extreme for most people. Any high-quality, minimally processed natural food, including fresh fish, whole-grain pasta, sprouted grain breads, raw goat cheese, and brown rice, can make a quick exit from the body if it is enjoyed in a quick-exit combination.”

Here’s a short rundown on Quick Exit Food Combining:

1. Starches (breads, pastas, whole grains, potatoes, legumes, cooked corn, avocado*) combine only with other starches and all raw and cooked vegetables.
2. Meats combine only with other meats, all raw vegetables, and all cooked non-starch vegetables.

3. Nuts combine only with other nuts, seeds, dried fruits, bananas, and all raw vegetables.

4. Dried fruits combine only with other dried fruits, avocados, bananas, nuts and all raw vegetables.

5. Fresh fruit should only be eaten alone on an empty stomach.

*Avocado is technically a fruit. If eaten without other starches (just with raw vegetables), it will combine perfectly with all fruits, including dried fruits.

Work in progress is all I can say. I have my good days along w/some stumbles and flat-out "I want what I want" days. With the inspiration and motivation that I get from some wonderful people (like Ingrid at RawEpicurean, Althea at theRawMochaAngel, earthmother at InTheRaw, and folks in the ATL's raw foods meetup group) that I've met along the way, I just pick back up where I drop off cause I'm committed to this journey of mine. =)

Post Title My Raw Foods Journey.....the saga continues

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wonder-Working Ginger

I wanted to revisit this because ginger is a "warming" herb. Great year-round but also during the cooler/colder months. So if you're looking to spice it up a bit, this is one of the herbs for you.

One of my fave smoothies of the moment contains mixed berries, an apple, spinach, and a little ginger. Oh, how I love the smell of ginger. When grating it, you partake in such a wonderful aroma. It’s so pleasing to the senses. It’s also pleasing to the body. Let me tell you how.

A researcher at Cornell University Medical College discovered that ginger has an effect on blood clots that is similar to that of aspirin. By the same token, it appears that high cholesterol levels are lowered using the same active ingredient in ginger.

Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Ginger

Ginger has been found to be helpful in blocking the harmful effects of prostaglandin, a substance that can lead to inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain and even cause migraines.

Ginger has been associated with alleviation of the feeling of nausea, even in the case of pregnant women.

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger make it effective in alleviation of the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Ginger helps to promote warmth in the upper respiratory tract and thus, is quite effective in treating the cold and flu.

Those suffering from cramps, caused by stomach gas have found ginger to be quite effective.

Ginger makes the platelets less sticky and is thus, pretty helpful in case of circulatory disorders.

The cineole content in ginger has been found to be a mood enhancer and can help in relieving stress. (Hmmm…no wonder.)

Ginger is a natural and effective mouth freshener and also aids digestion.

Ginger reduces inflammation and also helps lower cholesterol.

Ginger is good for those suffering from gas and bloating.

Naturally firms and tones skin with moisture retention properties

Ginger is believed to have anti-caner properties.

Ginger has been associated with easing of menstrual cramps and mitigation of headaches and migraines.

Ginger is quite effective in treating diarrhea.
Note this: When buying ginger, fresh is best! Be sure to avoid ginger with dry, wrinkled skin, mold or soft spots. African and Indian ginger are the most potent. Grating or using a garlic press will give you the maximum benefit. Also, ginger can give you many benefits but more is not always better. An ounce a day should give you all the benefits you will need.

Post Title Wonder-Working Ginger

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Smile, cause you are beautiful!

Today’s Tresses will focus on the twist-out that I did from the twists pictured in the post from last Tuesday. As I stated in that post, I used Qhemet’s Olive and Honey Hydrating Balm w/Sheamoisture to twist. I then topped it off with the Aubrey Organics B5 gel. My twists came out okay, although in my opinion they were a bit poofey. (We’ve had some rainy days lately). I would love a product that will successfully win the humidity battle and render me well defined twist-outs w/little to know frizz. I’m honestly trying the different products and combinations out to a.) use some of my product stash up and b.)find a holy grail combo that will give me the results I’m looking for.

I don’t think I will repurchase the Qhemet’s OHHB again or the Aubrey Organics B5 gel. They are both okay on my hair but I think I can find something that will work a little better. Although my issue w/the OHHB maybe that I used it on slightly damp hair as opposed to totally wet hair. That tends to make a difference for me when it comes to using products with a substantial amount of oil in them. Aubrey’s B5 gel has some wonderful natural ingredients in it but the hold is less than par for my hair. I’ll probably twist with Miss Jessie’s Curly Meringue next week, so I’ll definitely let you know how that comes out as far as frizz control is concerned.

I also want to share with you the henna that I prefer to use. It is Yemen henna and it is considered to have the highest dye content in it. This is doubly good for me because the dye is the conditioning ingredient in henna and it covers my 5 gray hairs (Yes, I count ‘em) very well. Tried to get a shot of them but I couldn’t get it right. The color of them after my henna treatments is like a dark orangey red, if that makes sense. I like it b/c it adds a little flavor to my hair. Not that they are that obvious unless your right up on me and my hair is styled a certain way. They mostly hide on their own. I suppose I’ll let my daughter give it a try next time. I’ve included some close-up photos of my hair so that you can see the henna glow. My hair is black so I wanted you to see how henna affects dark hair. In sunlight (and this flash) you can see the slightly auburn-ish cast to my hair.

..."The eye..The eye!!".....

The henna mix that I go by is very simple. You can find it on It is in her wonderfully simple Henna Me Beautiful video she’s done. I do the same thing. I use the same ingredients as CN which are green tea, honey, water and time. And let me tell you about henna loosening your curl pattern. It can happen so you definitely have to observe the effects of your treatments. I haven’t hennaed in awhile because it slightly straightened the top front portion of my hair that is a thinner texture than the rest of my hair. (Boo.) So I’ll probably begin using it again maybe next month and stick to hennaing once a month. I want to try NaturallyBeautiful’s (Wild Haired Woman). She uses hisbiscus tea and powder in her mix to pump up the coloring effects. And you know, that curious product junkie in me is itchin’ to give it a whirl.

If you have any combo’s, suggestions or comments do share.
Happy Cinco De Mayo!!


Monday, May 4, 2009


Good Morning Beautifuls,

I hope that your weekend was lovely. How did it go?..I hope well. Mine was good. On Friday I did get to see the movie, "Wolverine: X-Men Origins" and it was AWESOME. I must give thanks to Hugh Jackman's personal trainer for a job well done. Just magnificent. (sighs) I didn't make it to yoga (sad face) but I did get an awesome workout in w/my fave fitness guru, Gilad. Still sore. I'm definitely hitting the gym today. Okay. Enough about me, let's get to the really good stuff.

Lottery Winner Gives Prize to Charity
April 17) - A Michigan man who won $10,000 in the state lottery's Club Keno game has donated his winnings to a charity.

Soon after winning the money on March 11, Jim Dancy of Richland, Mich., decided others needed it more than he did. So he gave it all to the Greater Kalamazoo United Way.

"I was heavily influenced by my close friend Julie, who taught me to think of others first, and to stop and think about what life is really about. I know the needs in the community are great right now, so for me it was the right thing to do," Dancy said in a statement released by the Michigan Lottery.

Mike Larson, the charity's president and chief executive, called the gesture an "incredible act of kindness and generosity" and said the donation couldn't have come at a better time.
He says the economic downturn is making it tough on the agencies that the United Way serves.
Larson said that because United Way is a charitable organization, the winnings will not be taxed.
Dancy is co-founder and chief operating officer of a biological research company in Kalamazoo.

I must say that I really respect Mr. Dancy for his action. That was really big of him. Honestly I cannot say that I would've given all of my winnings. Again.. Much respect to him. I still have much growing to do. Lol.

What would you have done?
And how was your weekend?...


Friday, May 1, 2009


Happy Friday Beautifuls!

I hope that all has been well w/you on this week. It has for me, outside of feeling a bit funky earlier this week. I attribute it to some stuff I shouldn't have eaten. A few smoothies and workouts later, and I'm better. =)

I am so lookin' forward to this weekend. After work (Yes, I'm blogging at work. Lol.), I plan on hitting up the movie "Wolverine" w/my brother. It's my treat for his birthday and both of us are looking forward to it. Saturday's Hatha yoga class was cancelled. DARN! So I hope to find one somewhere else. If not, I'll have to see if I can get to it on Sunday. I cannot express to you how great yoga is for the body and mind. I was so relaxed afterwards but on a much deeper level. I mean so much so that upon doing my taxes and discovering I owed $1500, I was okay. It just was. I also have to hit up Whole Foods. Momma needs some groceries. I've got some smoothies to make and drink. =)

What are you up to this weekend?.. I hope somewhere in it you find or make time to do something for you.

Much Love,