Well peeps,
I'm in the home stretch of the detox. With 17 days of Carolyn Akens Body Rejuvenation Detox program under my belt and 4 more days to go. I'm armed with a sizable amount of leafy greens, fruits & veggies accompanied by some whole grains to make it thru the next few days.
I must say that I have enjoyed this journey. Although I can't say that I've missed one or two things that I was in the habit of having or just plain enjoyed. I can say that, for the most part, it has (and still does) feel great treating my body to nothing but good whole, clean foods. I love that feeling. I swear making a serious conscious effort to do right by your body is a form of love; self-love that I've never quite understood until now.
I've already planned out my juices & smoothies for the rest of my detox. And I'm really excited about them. I'll be trying some new combo's with veggies I've never juiced with before like cabbage & collards (tried for 1st time last week). I've done dishes with quinoa ("keen-wah") and steamed some veggies that I've never considered steamable. All in all, I'm having fun.
Anyhoo, I just wanted to drop in with a quick post on my detox experience so far. My full review/experience/results will be posted next Thursday.