
Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Friday, Beautifuls!!

I just wanted to drop a quick post in. This time of year can be crazy stressful between the workload, holiday season, gifting pressure and so forth, let alone the overall state of the economy. So I wanted to remind you to take some time out for yourself. Carve a couple of hours or more, and have yourself a spa day in your own bathroom, give yourself a mani or pedi, buy that CD you've been wanting,lock yourself in & crank it up and dance. Do something to refresh your body, mind and spirit. After all, you're worth it! Of course you are... You're the caregiver, the counselor, the on-call nurse, mommy, the loving wife or lady-friend, the chef, the hard worker, etc. etc. With a long list of titles, all of this can be overwhelming and taxing. So take a deep breath and cater to yourself so that you can continue being that person you are...simply beautiful.

2008 BET Awards Maxwell - Simply Beautiful -

Peace and Much Love,

Post Title Happy Friday, Beautifuls!!