
Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Good Morning, Beautifuls!

I hope your weekend was wonderful! Mine was good and full of busy. I got to greet a new baby and meet some more healthy & raw food enthusiasts. Always a pleasure to be around like-minded individuals. We actually had a speaker talk to us about growing our own food. I so need a yard.

After my busy weekend & the weather totally initiating me into a Spring attitude, I began to contemplate my Spring cleaning. You know, baseboards, windows, loosing old furniture and clothes. But not just household cleaning, also emotional and mental cleaning. I don't know about you but my stress levels have been higher than normal. Which I totally attribute to the overall effects of our current events. So of course, I've begun to consider cleaning out all possible antagonists to my mental & emotional well-being. (This is, of course, on top of exercise and eating my best.) Those antagonists being bad news, negative talk/thought, pessimistic people, music/entertainment, etc.,etc. I have to avoid these things like the plague. And have my mind, my thoughts focused & fastened on the good and the positive.

Speaking of music, some of it irritates me to listen to. I think, "Is all you can sing about sex?". Not that it's a bad thing cause it sure as hell is not. It's all to the good when it's good and wrapped in a committed, monogamous relationship. For me, at least. But my point being is, "Is that the most you have to offer?" Cause if that's the scope of your thinking, your purpose, then I've got to loose you and move on. And that goes for relationships, too. But I guess I'm just assessing where I am, where I want to and plan to be. And in that assessment, some things.. some people.. some thoughts...some habits must be loosed.

What about you, Gorgeous? Have you considered mental/emotional Spring cleaning?.....

Post Title AND YOU'RE OUT!!!