Okay. Picture this... I'm at work and notice the message light blinking on my phone. I open up the message and read that the lovely Ingrid at Raw Epicurean has nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger Award. I was like, "Wow! Someone thinks my blog is cool! Ooh!" (big grin) Ingrid, I am so touched by this! (grins again)
Okay.. In accepting this award, I must list 7 things that I love and then pass it to 7 other kreativ bloggers.
7 Thing I Love
Life - It's such a gift! Every moment of it is precious so I do my best to make the fully embrace it!
Positive Vibes - Looking for the good in things and connecting with positive people is always a winner for me.
Beautiful Flowers - What can I say. The name is a giveaway. Orchids, tulips, roses, calla lillies, hyacinth. I love beautiful flowers!
Sunshine - I love a sunny day! I have to get out and allow the sun to hug or kiss me with it's warmth.
Art - I love the visual. The abstract. Beauty in things and places that not everyone appreciates or sees.
Good company of family and friends - There's nothing like being around people who you love and who love you just as you are.
Great Food and Drink - Yummy is all I can say!
7 Kreativ Bloggers I'm Feelin'
Gem at Bohemian Bookworm
Alicia at InstantVintage
GT at Gettogetha
No at Norian Love
Vincent Christie at The Pangaeas Garden Project
Blaq Berry at Hi-Rawkus
Queen Infinite Wisdom at Ravynn's Rawthentic Life
Don't forget to post 7 things that you love and to pass this award along to 7 other bloggers that float your boat.