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DC Comics Hawkwoman |
2. A woman noted for special achievement in a particular field. (from freedictionary.com)
Meet October's Heroine Entrepreneur..
...Suncear Scretchen
1 . Tell us about your business, products, services and what makes it special or unique.
As a Health Coach, in a nutshell, I help people lead healthier lifestyles. I specialize in women who suffer from thyroid disorders but I also work with anyone who wants to lose weight, gain energy and just feel better overall.
2 . How was it birthed?
Over 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease (which is a form of hypothyroidism) and
I knew it was because I was very unhappy in life at the time. That’s when the concept of balance
really took form for me. Taking care of yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally
seemed to be the key to being healthy. However, I didn’t recognize it as a life purpose until I had a
challenging 2009. I knew I was on the wrong path in life so I became a certified Holistic Health Coach.
3 . How did you begin? What were the first steps that you took?
I enrolled at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (if you are interested in attending, please use me as
a reference.) Prior to that I started a blog on Conscious living (www.theconsciouschick.com) to help
establish myself as a health and wellness expert.
4 . Have you always been in this particular field? Do you have a history in this area?
I’ve always been pretty Conscious- even as a child- but like so many others, my emotional state dictated what I was consuming. It wasn’t until I left behind my 12 years of experience in the music industry that it became a passion. There’s not a lot of healthy living in the entertainment world :)
5 . How much support did you receive when you first started out?
Most people were behind my decision to pursue this as a career but you always have the skeptics who
point to the economy and say “this is a tough time to start a business.” They may be correct in some ways but I feel the timing is right for me.
6 . Is there anything that you wish you would have done or handled differently?
I wish I had pursued this sooner as a side gig. There is a national conversation going on right now
regarding health, obesity, insurance, etc. It’s great to be in the midst of it but competition is heating up.
7 . What was your biggest hurdle in developing and growing your business?
Not having the funds to hire the right people to take it to the next level- PR, Web Designer, etc. I had to do some of it myself and it’s very time-consuming.
8 . How did you stay motivated or what kept you motivated whenever you hit a bump/pothole in the
road or a difficult time?
Knowing that this is the path that I am supposed to be on has kept me going.
9 . There are quite a few women who are seeking to become a Holistic Health Coach. What advice
would you give them?
Be open to learning things about yourself as you help others. Have a genuine passion for health and wellness. And attend a school that helps you with setting up your business.
1 0 . Is there anything new & exciting that we can expect from your business in the future?
Ultimately, I envision having a wellness empire with a dessert line, books, films and most urgently,
Conscious beauty products. I will be launching a Conscious Chick organic cosmetic line featuring items like lip balm, face toners and perfumes in the near future.
I love it!! How exciting!
A personal note for Suncear:
Many thanks for agreeing to do this. I absolutely love what you've shared with us. Thanks for opening your life's book up to inspire us. You've certainly said some things that have touched me. I wish you great success with your wellness empire! And I'm certainly looking forward to your Conscious Chick organic cosmetic line!
Find more information on Suncear Scretchen, Holistic Health Coach: