
Sunday, February 1, 2009


Hola Beautifuls!

I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend! I did. I had a great time at my Raw Foods class. (I'll post on that tomorrow.)

Today I'm making public (or web public) on my participation in a Growth Challenge. Ever since my failed weave attempt, I've been toiling with potential protective styling options. A few weeks ago while detangling my hair, I discovered that I could make a ponytail. (Yay me!) After making this monumental discovery, I decided to bun my hair for the duration of Winter.

While perusing Curltalk, I happened upon Fleurtzy who has a great hair blog, Texture Playground. She started a Protective Style Challenge, listing details that I'd already been doing. So for comraderie sake, I decided to join in. The pictures above document my current length. On March 20th (the last day of the challenge), I will post another photo to show any progress in length. I can already tell a difference when hand-detangling my hair. It has not been knotting up like it was before. I'm sure my weekly oil treatments are helping also. On a weekly basis, I switch between Dabur Vatika Oil overnight treatments on the weekend and Hairveda's CoCasta Shikakai Oil rinse during the week. I'm loving 'em both.

Wish me luck!! Say,how was your weekend?....