
Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Hola Chicas (& Chicos)

So here it is. My post on my hair steamer thus far. Am I enjoying it? Hell yes! Have I fallen in love with it? Hmm...maybe more of an obsession. And only because I’m still learning how to use it with the products I have. So far, I have steam conditioned my hair 4 times. It’s so tempting. I want to steam more often but I also want to keep from manipulating my hair too often so that I won't hinder any growth. But doggonit, it (the steamer) keeps calling me. ..Keeps..calling me.

Uhhhh *side eyes*. Let me share with you what I’ve done and experienced so far.

1st Steam Treatment
Applied Jessicurl WDT & Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Condish with some Aubrey Organics GPB condish on my ends. Twisted with Jane Carter Twist and Lock.

Result: My hair was quite manageable. More so than usual. Happy happy. Joy joy.

2nd Steam Treatment
Did a pre-poo treatment with Hairveda Vatika Frosting (Ooh, that stuffs smells so good. Like frosting.Ummm) Co-washed with Herbal Essences Totally Twisted. Steamed with Hairveda SitricNillah Deep Conditioning Masque. Twisted with JC Twist and Lock.

Result: Hair was still very manageable and soft. Denman brush glided thru hair like a knife thru warm buttah. =)

3rd Steam Treatment
Hennaed 30 minutes under the steamer. (Please note: I lack in the patience department and was so hyped that I immediately rinsed the henna out. Big no-no.)Then deep conditioned under the steamer with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose conditioner & Jessicurl WDT. Twisted up with JC Twist and Lock.

Result: Hair was not as manageable as I expected but after talking w/Tina over at Elan Tresses (Who btw has named her steamer. Really.) I will handle this differently next time.

4th Treatment

Re-twisted hair with JC Hair Nourishing Cream. Topped with JC Nourish and Shine. Steamed for 20 minutes. Afterwards, plastic capped my hair for about an hour or so. Smoothed with a little oil and wrapped my hair for the night.

Result: Awoke to soft , well moisturized tresses.

I’ve read that around the 5th or 6th steam treatment is when you really notice a change. I will keep you lovelies posted on that. Okay? Cool.


**The products mentioned in the post can be found at the following retailers**
Herbal Essences - Walmart, Target and most all drug stores
Aubrey Organics - Whole Foods and most health food stores
Jane Carter Solutions - Whole Foods, most health food stores, Curlmart & Jane Carter Solution
Hairveda -
Jessicurl - Curlmart and

Post Title FULL STEAM AHEAD......