
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yesterday I Drove Home in Silence

Good Morning Beautifuls!

Have you ever felt a need for silence. I mean a peaceful, calming silence. Well, I really felt that need on yesterday. Normally, I listen to either the Michael Baisden show or surf stations (depending on my mood) on the home from work. But yesterday I just couldn't take the radio anymore. I needed a little peace.. some quiet. So I did what I normally do not do. I turned the radio off and drove home in silence. I just could not stand another moment of bad news, silly news, political news, economic news or news about ANYTHING. I couldn't listen to the noise. I just needed some quiet time to center my thoughts. Quiet time to meditate or "fall still" as Drumil at WLIR refers to it. And I must say it felt better.

For a while now, I have been feeling the need to fast(along with prayer & meditation). With so much going on between competitions, practices, not enough sleep, work, economic news & concerns, household maintenance and "you-fill-in-the-blank", this feeling has turned into an urging. Which, I'm sure, is really close to becoming a necessity.

So tell me, whatever your religion, faith or belief system you practice meditation and/or fasting? What do you do to recenter yourself?...

Also, for those of you who've done a juice fast: How can I accomplish one if I have no juicer. What is the next best thing? I probably will not be able to purchase the juicer I want until this Summer so some suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Post Title Yesterday I Drove Home in Silence