
Thursday, May 21, 2009


Good Morning Beautifuls!

It is truly great to be alive w/another wonderful day before me. What say you?... "Your day isn't so wonderful". Well in that case, I challenge you to change your station to "Another Day, Another Opportunity for All Good Things" station. Remember this. =)

I actually was going to post something else on today, but seeing as it is a more difficult topic for me than I expected I've moved that to next week. However, I can and will discuss a green smoothie I tried this weekend. It's a Red Grapefruit Green Smoothie. Yes, it is a bit tart but I'm sure you could level that with some agave nectar, stevia or other healthy, natural sweetener. I found this on the Green Smoothie Blog (great site for green smoothie ideas). I have a link to them in my blogroll to the right.

Here's the info. on it:

Grapefruit contains vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, iron, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, folate and many B-vitamins. Lycopene is a carotenoid found in the red/pink hues of the grapefruit. Both red and blond grapefruits both positively influenced cholesterol levels, but red grapefruit was more than twice as effective, especially in lowering triglycerides. Another health benefit of grapefruit is that it is a powerful antioxidant. Red grapefruit contains vitamin C, vitamin A and lycopene. These antioxidants are potent scavenger hunters that get rid of free radicals and excessive oxidation that can cause cancers. Lycopene, especially, helps to prevent the occurrence of tumors and cancers in the body. Grapefruit juice significantly increases the production and activity of liver detoxification enzymes responsible for preparing toxic compounds for elimination from the body.

Ruby Red Smoothie Recipe
• 2 ruby red grapefruits
Cut a slice of peel from each end of the grapefruit. Standing the fruit upright, continue to slice the peel away from the flesh without removing too much flesh. Be sure to remove some of the pith which tends to have a bitter taste. Although the white pith inside the fruit may be bitter, it contains health qualities which are anti-viral and anti-inflammatory and compliment the vitamin C found in the fruit and make it even more potent. Place a bowl under the grapefruit as you cut to catch the sweet tasting juice.

• 1 bunch mint
• 2 medjool dates
• 1 handful kale
• Water (optional)
Place in the blender in the order listed. Blend and enjoy!

CAUTIONARY NOTE: Compounds in grapefruit are known to increase circulating levels of several prescription drugs including statins. For this reason, the risk of muscle toxicity associated with statins may increase when grapefruit is consumed. Please refer to your primary care therapist or physician before ingesting grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
he body.

With love, health and happiness,