
Monday, May 11, 2009

What Would You Do With $200?...

When her envelope full of cash was lost after a busy day, Kathy Cannon thought she’d never see it again. But an employee of a local carwash found and returned her money. Kathy had misplaced her bank envelope of $200 and had looked everywhere for it. After her searching came up empty, she wrote it off as a loss. She eventually took her car to Carnett’s Carwash for detailing and a young father by the name of Jesus Garcia found the envelope within the crevices of her car seat and returned it to her. So Kathy had to share her good news with the local station, 11Alive. And she said, “We just hear so much bad. So much bad. And I just believe that there’s more good than bad.”
This is so awesome to me. It just warmed my heart to hear this story. We all know that Jesus could’ve easily claimed that money as his own. Especially under these economic conditions but he didn’t. So that that was lost (by Kathy), was found and returned (by Jesus). So despite what you may hear on a daily basis, good things are still happening. Good people with good hearts do exist.

Happy Monday!

Post Title What Would You Do With $200?...