
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jazmyn's Plea

Hi Beautifuls!
A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from a fabulous young lady who is desiring to go raw. (YAY!!BALLOONS & CONFETTI) Her dilemma is that she doesn't know how to go about it on a college student budget. So I wanted to put her questions on the blog in hopes that you wonderful raw foodists out there would give her some helpful advice and tips. Thanks in advance!

Jazmyn here! I prefer Jai.

I have recently been moved and inspired to GO RAW. I come from a middle class african american family, that carries high risk of disease and consumes cooked food. I want to be an example and break the cycle.

I am fully aware of my addiction to cooked food, however, I'm ready to go cold turkey.

My problem: I have motivation. I have no support.

I came across your blog and was so inspired. I don't know what exactly I'd like from you, its just really nice to see that its possible.

Can I do this on a college students budget?
Can I do this in a city like Nashville or New Orleans?

I'm on summer break from college (I'm a junior now pre-med at xula) and I'm just realllllllly interested in cleansing and changing my life.

My father died at 46-cancer
His mom at 52-cancer
His dad at 27- cancer

And suicide is prevalent as well. Depression and a polluted lifestyle is killing my family.

I have to do this. Can you help me?

Thank You for your time!
-J. Lee

Hi Jai!

First, let me congratulate you on your decision to take care of you and to give yourself the healthy attention you need. So many people never value themselves enough to make beneficial changes for their own bodies. You gotta do right by your self. Next, I want to commend you on your choice to go cold turkey. Some people can do that. I honestly, am not one of them. Lol. It's definitely a process for me.

As far as support, I would recommend you visiting and searching "raw foods" or "living foods" on there. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you find. If not, look at online support groups like There are also some groups on facebook (if you're on there). Through them you can connect w/others seeking to do the same as you or already walking in it. Oh, and don't forget to lurk and visit the raw food sites I have posted in my blog rolls. Not only are they helpful, but they can also lead you to some other helpful and informative sites.

Yes, I believe it can be done on a college budget. Btw, congrats on your pre-med status! Work it out, Jai! =) You can find a great article on Julie's Raw Ambition about raw foods and money at JuliesRawAmbition. Remember, organic and in-season is not as costly. If you can, you may want to try growing your own organic herbs and veggies. Some people use small planters that you can place on a windowsill or patio. That can definitely save you some dollars. If you already have a blender, crank it up and make you some smoothies (w/some greens in them, of course). Pop what you don't drink up in the freezer for later in the day or the next.

I can totally relate w/you on family illnesses. Diabetes runs strong in my family. I have no intentions of developing that disease. This is my main motivator. And I'm sorry to hear that cancer, depression, & suicide run prevalent in your fam. I recently met a young woman at the last raw foods meetup I attended. In her introduction of herself, she talked about how she suffered from depression before going raw. She read and followed the 21-day program in Natalia Rose's book "Raw Food Life Force Energy". She lost weight and regained her joy. No more depression or mood swings for her. Just thought I'd mention that.

Jai, I really hope this is of some help to you. If you don't mind, I'd like to post it on my blog on this Wednesday and get some raw foodists I respect/admire to offer their advice. Let me know if this is okay with you. And if it is, whether or not you're okay with your name being mentioned. I can leave it out. It's no problem either way.

Take Care.
Peace and blessings,

I am opening this letter up to the blogosphere for any raw/living foodists to answer Jai’s question. I’m sure there are some great answers, tips and points out there that could benefit this young, aspiring healthnut diva.

Post Title Jazmyn's Plea